Tag Archives: Autumn


If today is any indication of what is to come, Fall is here in Chicago. Rain is dropping, leaves are falling and there is so much transition around– weddings, babies and people heading back to school. It’s a good time to look at ourselves and determine what, if anything, we would like to change.

Yoga is a wonderful way to observe what we are holding on to. With that knowledge, we can then decide what serves us. Through yoga practice we can begin to understand and then move through old narrative that no longer serves us– things we tell ourselves about who we are, old emotions that linger but no longer serve a functional purpose.

On this rainy fall day, I had the privilege of teaching a private yoga lesson. I learn something new every time I teach and for that I am grateful.

During the Fall season, I like to let go. This fall I will loosen my grip on self doubt and trust more than ever that I am all that I need to be.

Below is a sequence that is meant to be practiced slowly and with reflection.  Move through each posture at your own pace and take note of what comes up for you in each posture– physically and emotionally.


Fall is beautiful for many reasons.  Galway Kinnell’s 1980 poem, “Blackberry Eating” speaks to both the sweetness and the prickliness of the season…

Blackberry Eating

by Galway Kinnell

“I love to go out in late September
among the fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries
to eat blackberries for breakfast,
the stalks very prickly, a penalty
they earn for knowing the black art
of blackberry-making; and as I stand among them
lifting the stalks to my mouth, the ripest berries
fall almost unbidden to my tongue,
as words sometimes do, certain peculiar words
like strengths and squinched,
many-lettered, on-syllabled lumps,
which I squeeze, squinch open, and splurge well
in the silent, startled, icy, black language
of blackberry-eating in late September.”

Happy Fall, friends!


What are you interested in learning about?

Hi readers,

I hope you all have been enjoying your summer (or winter if you’re in the southern hemisphere!)  I have been busy, busy this summer.  While it’s fun to have a flurry of activity and time outdoors, I am really looking forward to the fall.  Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love the crunch of the leaves and the the cool temperatures. I love the smell of pumpkin, spiced apple cider, and fire pits and I especially enjoy walking my dog this time of year.  My dog, Bucko is a Texan but upon moving to Chicago, he discovered the magic that is Fall.  His favorite thing to do (other than eat, pee and cuddle) is to kick up leaves– the larger the pile, the better.

As we move into fall, I anticipate having more down time to write and am very much looking forward to exploring new topics. I have several ideas brewing for upcoming posts, but am interested in hearing what you all are interested in learning about.  More specifically, I would like to explore the application of yoga to various physical, emotional and behavioral processes.  

What would you like to see covered in upcoming posts?

One of my favorite things about blogging is sharing information and learning together.  I truly appreciate your ideas and feedback.


P.S.  Today Bucko is having a dental cleaning which requires anesthesia.  It is an extremely routine procedure but I am an anxious doggy mom today, particularly because he is 11 and has had some health issues recently.  I know he will be fine, but to get me through the day, I am posting an obsessive “Bucko montage” for your enjoyment.  Okay, let’s be real… I am posting it for my sanity!  A little pug love and pranayama to move through the day.

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